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Thermocouple |   Miniature K type 


Miniature K type (Chromel® / Alumel®)

The Miniature K type is a thermocouple (Chromel® / Alumel®) for temperature measurement compatible with OMEGA® plugs.
Select flange size and type from NW / KF, ConFlat®, ISO-K, ISO-F and ASA.
Accessories are also available, including vacuum side wires (tip welded), socket contacts,and air side cables.
We also manufacture custom-made products with quick delivery.
Select welding position, number of connectors, and size of custom-made flanges.


Flange 304 Stainless steel
Shell 304 Stainless steel
Pings Chromel® / Alumel®
Insulation Alumina ceramic


Type Termocouple K
Connector TCK-1
Voltage: V max. DC Milli-Volts
Current: A Per Pins Milli-Amps
Insulation: ohm min. -
Leak rate: 1.3*Pa m³/s 10-10
Temperature Range: ºC -196 to 300

NW / KF Flange

Miniature-K-type NW / KF Flange

Conflat Flange

Miniature-K-type Conflat Flange