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[영문] VACUUM gauges

  Absolute, Gauge, Differential Pressure 


Vacuum & Pressure 30 In. Hg to 150.0 PSIG

These instruments utilize a rugged silicon diaphragm transducer with a 1/8 inch NPT connection in a stainless steel housing. Transducers with stainless steel diaphragm and stainless steel housing are also available. The meter display reads from -30.0 to +100.0, with the minus sign indicating vacuum in inches of mercury, and the positive sign indicating pressure in PSIG. The dual set point controller operates two independently-set control relays. Set point values are easily adjusted from the front panel and displayed on the meter with push-to-set switches. Each relay has 3 Amp contacts, form C. Screw terminals for the relay outputs are provided on the rear panel.

Both the indicator and the controller instruments are available in either 1/4 DIN or 2.75 inch diameter standard enclosures. The 2.75 inch diameter standard enclosure fits the same panel cut out as Hastings, Varian, Televac and other analog meters. Mounting hardware is included with both styles.

0.01 to 20, 0.1 to 200, or 1 to 1000 PSIG Ranges

The Vacuum Research pressure gauges are compact pressure measurement and control instruments that offer the precision and high resolution of digital electronics at the same price as analog instruments. These instruments use a rugged and stable silicon diaphragm type transducer with an 1/8 inch NPT connection in a stainless steel housing.

The dual set point controller instruments operate two independently set control relays. Set point values are easily adjusted from the front panel and displayed on the meter with push-to-set switches. Each relay has 3 Amp contacts, form C. Screw terminals for the relay outputs are provided on the rear panel.

Both the indicator and the controller instruments are available in either 1/4 DIN or 2.75 inch diameter standard enclosures. The 2.75 inch diameter standard enclosure fits the same panel cut out as Hastings, Varian, Televac and other analog meters. Mounting hardware is included with both styles.

Gauge, Differential, and Absolute Pressure

See our datasheets for differential and absolute pressure gauges with pure silicon or stainless steel diaphragms that measure air or gas pressure difference from atmosphere: 0 to ±20 In. H2O, 0 to ±20 mmHg instruments, 0 to 15 PSI instruments. These instruments are available in a variety of models with integral and remote sensors and with or without digital displays.