CERAMIC HEATING ELEMENTS | HEATING ELEMENTS 본문 Selection of products with technical data Dimensions (mm) Shape Voltage (V) Power (W) Tmax (°C) PDF153 x 12 Heated rail 230 1300 500 54 x 22 Heatet knife 24/48/110/230 60-1000 1000 70 x 20 Flat heating element 110 1000 1000 12 x 16 Heatet knife 24-230 100 800 ∅ 70 Ring heater 230 2000 500 ∅ 60 Ring heater 230 2000 500 ∅ 50 Ring heater 230 1000 500 ∅ 40 Ring heater 230 1000 500 ∅ 34 Ring heater 48 500 500 ∅ 28 Ring heater 48 250 500 이전글 다음글 목록